Club Facts & Figures
Updated – June 19, 2021
- In current Location since 1984, the club was incorporated October 25,
- Serving Pinellas County for over 30 years
- 2,450 square feet
- Membership 50+, and open
- Two railways, the HO scale Gulf & Northern and the N scale Suncoast
- All dimensions are approximate
- The longest train operated on either railway have been between 90 and
100 cars.
- Both railroads supporting Wi-Throttle technology - run your trains from your smart device (iPhone, Android, tablet, etc.) or Industry manufactured WiFi Throttle.
HO Scale Gulf & Northern Railway
May 2013, new layout built in 2015 with trains running by Winter 2015
- Type – point to point with several separate
loop options
- 1,024 square feet of layout, in 1,680 square feet of area
- Mainline length:
- 1 st Division – 2.50 scale miles
- 2 nd Division – 3.69 scale miles
- 3 rd Division – 2.41 scale miles
- Total – 8.60 scale miles, 522 real feet
- Sidings/second main – 5.03 scale miles, 305
real feet
- Yards-Terminals-Industries: 16.63 scale miles of track, 1,009 real feet
- Kaiser Yard – 2.97 scale miles, excluding
engine facilities
- Union Terminal and 62 nd Street Coach Yard – 4.28
scale miles
- Alcoa Yard – not measured yet, including
industries and car float yard, about 3/4 the size as Kaiser Yard but
with industries.
- Turnouts – over 200
- Standards –
- NCE control system, 17 cabs
- DCC ABS block system being installed
- Mainline, code 100, 30” min. radius, No.
8 and some No. 6 switches
- Yards, industries, code 100, 83 and 70; No. 6 switches for new construction,
except some industries (Kaiser Yard has No. 4)
N Scale Suncoast Lines Railway
- Type - loop operation, with possible point to point
- 397 square feet of layout, in 770 square feet of area
- Mainline length:
- Total – 15.15 scale miles, 500 real feet
- Yards/Sidings/second main – 8.24 scale miles, 272 real feet
- Turnouts – over 80
- Standards –
- Digitrax – can handle up to 22 trains.
- Mainline, code 70, 12” min. radius, No. 8 and some No. 6 switches
- Yards, industries, code 100 and 70 and No. 6 & 4switches in Alton
Yard, No. 6 only in Baldwin Yard
- Limited Digistar signals to be installed protecting tunnels